Bureaucrats Warn Against Drinking Out of Toilets

Being predominantly liberals, our rulers know that we’re no more intelligent than dogs, so it’s their responsibility to use our money to protect us from ourselves. For example, in suburban Phoenix, bureauweenies have posted signs warning us not to drink out of toilets:

Chandler’s new City Hall comes with some features that have municipal workers and visitors scratching their heads. Like the restroom signs that tell people not to drink out of the urinals and toilets.

Here’s why you shouldn’t:

The environmentally-friendly five-story building uses recycled gray water from its cooling system to flush the urinals and toilets. … City spokesman Craig Younger said the city had to get a building code variance not to color the reused water and post the signs instead.

The moonbattery doesn’t stop there:

Workers also are getting used to the building’s energy-saving “light harvesting system.” It’s set up with light and motion sensors so if there’s enough illumination from the sun or if offices and meeting rooms are empty they shut off. Marian Norris, assistant to the city manager, said the motion detector shutoffs save energy by extinguishing lights when workers leave their offices and forget to flip the switch. But crews are adjusting the system because it has been shutting off lights when people are working but are too still. That happened during a recent City Council subcommittee meeting that prompted one official to jump out of his chair and walk briskly around the table just to bring the lights back.

Let’s hope he didn’t walk too briskly. Hyperventilating results in excessive CO2 emissions that might counter the beneficial effects on the polar bears of the lights going off during meetings.

But is it okay if we gnaw on the urinal cakes?

On a tip from Steve T. Hat tip: Lowering the Bar.
Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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