Obama To Hold Another Prime Timer To Explain Our Afghanistan Strategy To Islamic Extremists

It’s about darned time that Obama has made a decision regarding Afghanistan. According to McClatchy, Barry will send 34,000 troops to Afghanistan, far below the number General McCrystal has requested. So, he finally has his strategy, but, you will just have to wait for it, peeps

President Obama has conducted a final meeting on his military review for Afghanistan, administration officials said, and he is planning to explain his decision in an address to the nation next Tuesday.

“After completing a rigorous final meeting, President Obama has the information he wants and needs to make his decision and he will announce that decision within days,” Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, said Tuesday morning.

Why Tuesday? Ah. “V” is on. Good time to pre-empt a show that seems to make fun of hopenchange.

Mr. Obama did not announce his specific decision to his advisers. He is scheduled to stay at the White House over the Thanksgiving holiday to finish making his decision, as the White House plans to prepare for what could be Mr. Obama’s first prime-time address to the nation from the Oval Office.

So, none of those pesky media types will be present to ask difficult questions. Not they ask many to start with, but, one that they could ask would be “does the military know your decision and plans, or, are they hearing this for the first time?”

While the president is expected by several of his advisers to announce sending more than 20,000 new troops — perhaps closer to the 40,000, as recommended by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal — the White House is working to make the announcement more than simply a number of troops. It will include an outline of an exit strategy, officials said.

Now, that is the real problem. Getting beyond the grandstanding, it makes it seem as if Obama is actually going to explain all our plans, which means the Islamic extremists in the area, the Taliban and al Qaeda, along with jihadis around the world, will know exactly what we are planning to do, and adjust accordingly.

Holding off till Tuesday also apparently will allow Obama to get in touch with Democrat leaders and his unhinged ObamaZombie base to explain why he would send more troops. They all knew his campaign promise was a lie, but, he kinda backed himself into a corner.

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