U.S. to Send 22 Million Troops to Protect Iraq By Scott Ott

The United States will send 22 million troops to Iraq this year to ensure the safety of every Iraqi and every structure in the country.

Dubbed ‘Operation Buddy System’ by Pentagon planners, the idea is to pair each Iraqi citizen with a battlefield-equipped soldier or Marine.

“Since we disturbed the peace by overthrowing Saddam Hussein,” said an unnamed Pentagon spokesman, “it’s our responsibility to protect this nation. We don’t know who the terrorists are, nor when and where they will attack. So, we’ll just have to keep an eye each of the 22 million Iraqis 24/7.”

The spokesman acknowledged that military recruiting would have to “increase substantially” to provide such a force, but in the meantime Manpower Inc. would provide temp workers to fill most of the positions. The rest would be covered by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers who will scan and frisk Iraqis coming from, and going to, anywhere.

If you enjoyed this satire by Scott Ott, you can read more of his work at Scrappleface.

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