NYC Imam Calls Jews a “Cancer”; Leads Push to Scrub Islam From 9/11

by Cassy Fiano | May 9, 2014 8:16 am

9/11 was the worst terrorist attack in American history, perpetrated by Muslims waging jihad on Americans. Those are the facts — but some American Muslims, aided by the liberal tolerance brigade, are working hard to make sure we leave that part out of our remembrance.


A Muslim religious leader who helped spearhead a push to get the National September 11 Memorial Museum to censor references to Islam in a short film about al-Qaida has said Jews “killed the Prophets and Messengers” and are a “cancer … in every generation as they get in power.”

Mustafa Elazabawy, imam at Masjid Manhattan, made the remarks in a December 2008 khutbah, or sermon, called “Children of Israel.” A recording of the sermon remains on the mosque’s website.

Elazabawy wrote a letter to museum leadership last month, complaining that the 6-minute film about al-Qaida’s rise “would greatly offend our local Muslim believers as well as any foreign Muslim visitor to the museum,” if it is not changed. “Unsophisticated visitors who do not understand the difference between Al Qaeda and Muslims may come away with a prejudiced view of Islam, leading to antagonism and even confrontation toward Muslim believers near the site.”

He also joined in a follow-up complaint sent to museum Director Alice Greenwald on behalf of New York Disaster Interfaith Services’ advisory group. Critics have taken issue with the film’s references to “jihad” and the hijackers’ Islamist ideology. “If generalized labels are needed, we suggest using specific terms such as “Al Qaeda-inspired terrorism,” the letter from the Interfaith Services group said.

It is utter insanity that we would listen to the opinions of such backwards, hate-filled people. But then, is this not the inevitable result of our moral relativism, tolerance for all, politically correct culture? We can’t call evil what it is, because then evil might be offended.

Also see: Politically Correct Fairy Tales[2]

  1. [Image]:
  2. Politically Correct Fairy Tales:

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