Moonbats Bemoan Free Whoppers

Burger King has launched a “Whopper Virgins” campaign, which involves traveling to remote parts of the world like Greenland and rural Romania and presenting people with free Whoppers and Big Macs to see which they like better. Moonbats are incensed at such capitalist exploitation:

“It’s outrageous,” Sharon Akabas of the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University, told the New York Daily News. “What’s next? Are we going to start taking guns out to some of these remote places and ask them which one they like better?”

Marilyn Borchardt, development director for Food First, called the campaign insensitive.

“The ad’s not even acknowledging that there’s even hunger in any of these places,” she told the Daily News.

The campaign has also stirred up a welter of online commentary. Brian Morrissey, writing on, likens the campaign to colonialism and declares it “embarrassing and emblematic of how ignorant Americans still seem to the rest of the world.”

“It doesn’t get much more offensive than this,” noted The Inquisitor blog. “If visiting poor people in remote locations, some who would be at best surviving on below poverty levels and throwing a burger in their faces isn’t bad enough, it gets better, because they also ask the Whopper Virgins to compare the taste of the Whopper to a McDonalds Big Mac as well.

“It’s hard to place exactly where this begins on the level of wrongness.”

Even moonbats have one redeeming quality. Their capacity for completely inappropriate sanctimonious indignation is a bottomless barrel of laughs.

Hat tip: Copious Dissent; on a tip from V the K. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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