Anybody looking for an apartment?

There’s a half-off sale in the world’s tallest building:

Even with an address at the iconic Burj Khalifa, rents for residences in the tower are not immune from Dubai’s real estate crash. Indeed, nearly a year after it was inaugurated with a massive water-and-fireworks display, about 825 of the tower’s 900 ultra-luxury apartments remain unoccupied

Well, yes, you’d have to move to Dubai. Heck of a commute. Plus, don’t they sound that call to prayer like five times a day? That’d be even worse than smelling bacon:

A café boss has been ordered to change her extractor fan because the smell of frying bacon offends Muslims next door.

Akciecek was told by councillors to take down the machine because the odour is ‘unacceptable on the grounds of residential amenity’.

Well, that’s England, not Saudi Arabia. Still, I’m sure they’d turn the noise down if you found it offensive. Muslims being known for their inclusiveness.


The cost of renting a studio with floor-to-ceiling windows, marble fixtures and wooden floors has dropped to $1,815 a month from $3,025, while a one-bedroom apartment is available for $2,722 (it used to be $4,536), the brokerage says. Two-bedroom residences are expected to get $4,310, down from $7,183.

Wow. Imagine the house you could buy with a monthly like that. Still, what a view:

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