Melissa Harris Perry Says Dems Should Tell People Who Lost Their Insurance to “Just Deal With That”

Melissa Harris Perry Says Dems Should Tell People Who Lost Their Insurance to “Just Deal With That”

MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry is already a well-known lunatic (you’d have to be to wear tampon earrings in front of millions). But she’s evidently a brilliant political strategist as well, giving Democrats election advice that will surely help them win campaigns.


Her mockery of the ObamaCare-induced insurance cancellations came as she compared Republicans to people who flip houses and brag about doing only a little work, as she characterized Democrats, by contrast, as people who do substantial work on houses but fail to boast about it adequately to potential buyers. Harris-Perry:

You can have some people — let’s call them Republicans — who will go into a fallen down blighted house, slap on some granite counter tops, while ignoring real problems, and declare their work is the best thing ever.

After boasting about Democrats passing ObamaCare, she lamented:

And they’re not even owning it. No confidence, no swagger. No, “Yeah, you can’t keep your crappy plans. Just deal with that!”

What if Americans wanted to keep their crappy plans, though? That was one of the main things we were promised with Obamacare — if you like your plan, you can keep it — and it was a complete and total lie. When Democrats lose big this November because of their blatant lie, maybe Melissa Harris-Perry can just deal with that.

Also see: The 25 Stupidest Liberal Quotes Of The Last Decade

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