John Kerry Tells Africans Not to Create More Farms for Starving Children Because it Will Cause Global Warming

by Cassy Fiano | August 7, 2014 9:58 am

Belief in global warming truly has become a cult. For evidence, you only need look to John Kerry, who is telling Africans that it is better to let children starve than create more farms, because farming will increase global warming.


Wow — so these African parents should just sacrifice their children at the altar of climate change rather than grow crops to feed them? What a disgusting, elitist, idiotic thing to say. Hey, Secretary, why don’t we starve your kids for a while, and then see how you feel?

Also see: The 25 Stupidest Liberal Quotes Of The Last Decade[2]

  1. [Image]:
  2. The 25 Stupidest Liberal Quotes Of The Last Decade:

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