Ssssssh! Obama Quietly Rolls Out Program Similar To Arizona’s SB1070 In Boston

Be vewy vewy qwiet. I’m hunting iwwegals

The Arizona law aimed at removing illegal immigrants has attracted attention and pitted the federal government against the state of Arizona.

But the Obama administration is quickly and quietly rolling out a program, started in Boston, that relies on the help of local police departments and is raising fears of racial profiling.

The program is called Secure Communities.

“(It) is our strategy to identify and remove criminal aliens,” says Jim Martin, the deputy field director for Boston’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office. “We focus on those that pose the most danger to communities, to the general public.”

The program will help the Obama administration reach its goal of deporting 400,000 immigrants this year. It depends on cities and towns funneling information on the people they arrest to immigration authorities, who check to see if they’re violating immigration laws and might be deportable.

Well, well, well. That’s interesting, very interesting (and all kudos to Obama for implementing this program). I guess it is A-OK for the federal government to ask local law enforcement to ask illegals for their papers, but not if a State is asking.

Meanwhile, the Senate has approved $600 million for border security, which sounds great on the outside, but, really won’t do anything to stop the flow now. Certainly, it will take at least a year, if not more, to get all the border agents hired and deployed. How ’bout just send lots and lots of military personnel down to the border? And finish the physical fence?

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach

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