Laughing At Arianna Huffington’s Hypocritical Misfortune

Welcome to the liberal plantation, slave. Your master will be Arianna Huffington. On the upside, if she cracks the whip, it’s because she’s kinkier than she lets on it public. On the other hand, the pay is still zero. That’s why one of her former freelancers is suing her for $105 million in a class action lawsuit. Here’s his “reasoning.”

The Huffington Post was, is and will never be, anything without the thousands of people who create the content. Ms. Huffington is acting like every Robber Baron CEO—from Lloyd Blankfein to the Waltons—who believes that they, and only they, should pocket huge riches, while the rest of the peons struggle to survive. Ms. Huffington stance has been clear: only she deserves the fruits of the labor of the people who work for her.

Actually, Arianna Huffington is worse than the CEOs of the banks, the Walton family of Wal-mart. At least, they pay their workers something—even if those wages aren’t enough to make ends meet.

Huffington pays zero. Nothing. Nada

Arianna Huffington is a hypocrite. While reaping money and building her “brand” based on books and speeches decrying the growing divide between rich and poor (I am not linking to those books in order to avoid giving her even more cash to pocket), Ms. Huffington is precisely acting to impoverish bloggers and create a blogger-plantation–where her slaves work to build her fortune.

Does the freelancer who filed the lawsuit, Jonathan Tasini, have a case? He shouldn’t. In fact, the whole suit is perfectly ridiculous. Everyone at the HuffPo knew what the pay was when they went to work for Arianna. Moreover, had they not chosen to work for her, other people would have voluntarily filled their shoes for the exact same rate of zero. Tasini and everyone else who wrote for the Huffington Post knew exactly what they were getting into and it’s a little late to say, “Gee, someone ended up making a lot of money; so I should have been paid more!” Try that at your job. “Oh, the company made a big profit; so you owe me a much higher salary all last year!”

That being said, it is utterly hilarious to see a liberal calling Arianna on her all too common hypocrisy. Liberals like Arianna go on ad nauseum about workers’ rights, the importance of unions, and fair wages. Yet, when their own money is on the line, 99 times out of 100, liberals try to pay as little as possible just like everybody else.

Moreover, aren’t these particular lines absolutely DELICIOUS?

Actually, Arianna Huffington is worse than the CEOs of the banks, the Walton family of Wal-mart. At least, they pay their workers something—even if those wages aren’t enough to make ends meet.

Huffington pays zero. Nothing. Nada.

HuffPo workers of the world……  unite, unionize, and make Arianna live up to her principles by paying you a salary!

PS: If I ran the HuffPO and the bloggers tried to unionize, I’d fire all of them and find a new group to work for free. But unlike me, Arianna’s a kind, compassionate, union-loving liberal; so surely she wouldn’t do something like that…would she?

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