“Men, Who Needs Them?” Asks Eunuch At The New York Times

by John Hawkins | August 28, 2012 5:08 am

Neutered house-pet Greg Hampkian asks a question oft posed by lesbians and man-haters, but seldom by those with testes, “Men, Who Needs Them?[1]”

Women aren’t just becoming men’s equals. It’s increasingly clear that “mankind” itself is a gross misnomer: an uninterrupted, intimate and essential maternal connection defines our species.

…I don’t dismiss the years I put in as a doting father, or my year at home as a house husband with two young kids. And I credit my own father as the more influential parent in my life. Fathers are of great benefit. But that is a far cry from “necessary and sufficient” for reproduction.

…Ultimately the question is, does “mankind” really need men?

…When I explained this to a female colleague and asked her if she thought that there was yet anything irreplaceable about men, she answered, “They’re entertaining.”

Gentlemen, let’s hope that’s enough.

You can just imagine poor Greg Hampkian, with his little apron, dusting the house and scrambling to make dinner because his wife will scream at him and demand to know if he’s been watching soap operas all day instead of working. Get a guy like that, put him around a bunch of feminists, and it’s Stockholm Syndrome on a smaller scale.

While I don’t consider Hampkian’s childish question significant enough to merit a serious response, I was curious about something; What woman was married to this guy? Yes, men are needed, but Greg Hampkian? Not so much. While I didn’t have any luck finding info on Hampkian’s wife, there was a reason for that: He’s divorced[2]. Who’d have ever suspected that a woman would eventually realize she had no use for a “man” who thought his entire gender was unneeded?

  1. Men, Who Needs Them?: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/25/opinion/men-who-needs-them.html?_r=2&smid=tw-share
  2. divorced: http://www.reverbnation.com/artist/bio/artist_2195502

Source URL: https://rightwingnews.com/gender/men-who-needs-them-asks-eunuch-at-the-new-york-times/