What To Name The Next Generation? How About “iNsolvent”?

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(USA Today) A frantic race to name the next generation of American consumers may be nearing the finish line.

The winner could walk off with fame, fortune – and way cool bragging rights.

But exactly what do you call a generation of techno-junkies? How about Generation Wii – after the wildly popular home video game console? Or, perhaps, the iGeneration – with a wink and nod to Apple’s iPod and iPhone? Both are in the running. So are a bunch of other tech-drenched monikers, including Gen Tech, Digital Natives and, of course, Net Gen.

iBroke? iStrapped? iDestitute? Under the last two administrations, we’ve added over 9 trillion dollars in debt, over $5 trillion under Obama alone. Unfunded liabilities is over $70 trillion. America is approaching a cliff of monetary disaster.

But, perhaps we could call them the iGovernment generation, in which the Central Government is involved from cradle to grave, as we learned from Team Obama’s “Life Of Julia” story. David Harsanyi wonders who the hell she is and why he’s paying for her whole life

In the new Barack Obama campaign piece The Life of Julia, voters can “Take a look at how President Obama’s policies help one woman over her lifetime — and how Mitt Romney would change her story.” It is one of the most brazenly statist pieces of campaign literature I can ever remember seeing.

Let’s, for the purposes of this post, set aside the misleading generalizations regarding policy in the ad (no one is innocent on that account, obviously). What we are left with is a celebration of a how a woman can live her entire life by leaning on government intervention, dependency and other people’s money rather than her own initiative or hard work. It is, I’d say, implicitly un-American, in the sense that it celebrates a mindset we have — outwardly, at least — shunned.

It is also a mindset that women should find offensively patronizing. When they’re old enough, I hope my two daughters will find the notion that their success hinges on the president’s views on college-loan interest rates preposterous. Yet, according to the “Life of Julia,” women are helpless without the guiding hand of Barack Obama.

When I first read it Thursday, I marveled at the rampant misogyny, in which women are shown as only being able to survive through the intervention and help of Big Daddy Government, that they aren’t capable of doing it on their own.

Ed Morrissey offers an alternative timeline, as does Kevin D. Williamson. Both forget about the part where Julia’s business is firebombed during the seasonal Greek-like riots from those younger than her who see their comfy lifestyle being eroded by unsustainable spending and debt.

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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