Sheila Jackson Lee Defines Purpose of Congress Under Hope & Change

Given that Obama made it clear during the recent State of the Union address that he will bypass Congress to the extent he is allowed to get away with it, what role is there for the Democrats in Congress who enthusiastically applauded his announcement of their irrelevance? Let’s ask Sheila Jackson Lee:

Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said that the new Congressional Full Employment Caucus will “give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign.”

Jackson Lee added that writing up executive orders “should be our number one agenda.”

Why not spend the time drafting legislation? Because legislation requires passage through both chambers of Congress to become law, per the Constitution. Executive orders, in contrast, can be drawn up by any kook and then imposed with Obama’s signature, according to the custom of crumbling banana republics. It’s simpler that way.

Considering that Obama’s policies (in particular his signature power grab ObamaCare) appear to have been designed to reduce employment levels, the naming of the Congressional Full Employment Caucus is worthy of George Orwell. It includes the worst of the worst among ultra-left maniacs who will go to any length to increase government dependence by reducing employment, including not only Jackson Lee but the comparably malignant and insane John Conyers, Maxine Waters, Charles Rangel, Frederica Wilson (best known for her outlandish cowboy hats), et cetera, ad nauseam.

Sheila Jackson Lee
Defining a new purpose for what’s left of the legislative branch.

On a tip from Artfldgr. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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