Scapegoating Progressive Bloggers for the Obama Administration’s Failures?

Just when you think Democrats could not possibly become more absurd, they surprise you:

With each passing day, I’m beginning to realize that the crux of the problem for Obama is a handful of prominent progressive bloggers, among them Glenn Greenwald, John Aravosis, Digby, Marcy Wheeler and Jane Hamsher.

That’s from liberal New Media guru Peter Dauo, who evidently doesn’t realize how ridiculous that sentence looks to sane people.

Here we have a president who promised that his election would mark “the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless . . . the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

Not exactly modest in his promises, was he?

What he delivered instead is record levels of deficit spending and unemployment that seems to be permanently stuck near 10 percent.

Yet despite the myriad failures of the Obama administration, Peter Dauo insists, “the crux of the problem . . . is a handful of prominent progressive bloggers.”

On behalf of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, I would like to offer this message of comfort and solidarity to Glenn Greenwald, John Aravosis, Digby, Marcy Wheeler and Jane Hamsher . . .

Hey, remember when hating the president was fun?

(Cross-posted at The Other McCain.)

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