Obama Wonders Why He Gets Resistance Even Though the Media Loves Him?

by Warner Todd Huston | July 26, 2013 3:01 pm

Gosh, if the media loves him, how can things be looking so bad for President Obama? At least, that was the President’s attitude in a recent speech. But is relying on an institution that most Americans distrust such a great idea, Mr. Obama?


The President’s tin ear was in full force in a speech on Wednesday, July 24, when he said[2] that the media just loves them some Obama–as if this were somehow a selling pint for his policies.

“It’s interesting, in the run-up to this speech, a lot of reporters say that, well, Mr. President, these are all good ideas, but some of you’ve said before; some of them sound great, but you can’t get those through Congress. Republicans won’t agree with you,” Obama said.

Seriously? Is the fact that the media loves him supposed to be some reason we all should, too?

Meanwhile, the Old Media establishment has approval ratings that have been steadily eroding. The fact is, a large majority don’t trust Obama’s sycophantic media

A recent Gallup poll[3] found that U.S. trust in the media hit a new low with 60 percent saying they have little or no trust in the media to truthfully report the news.

So, the president is appealing to us all by using as cover the adulation of an institution that most of us don’t trust in order to convince us that he is doing a good job?

Folks on the Internet tubuals call this a big FAIL.

  1. [Image]: https://rightwingnews1.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/2009-09-09-Obama-liar21.jpg
  2. he said: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/313445-obama-reporters-tell-me-my-ideas-are-great
  3. Gallup poll: http://www.gallup.com/poll/157589/distrust-media-hits-new-high.aspx

Source URL: https://rightwingnews.com/democrats/obama-wonders-why-he-gets-resistance-even-though-the-media-loves-him/