American Library Association Sticks Up for Porn in Libraries

How to make sense of the insanity prevailing at public libraries regarding the practice of allowing degenerates to watch hardcore pornography on the taxpayer dollar in front of small children?

On November 18, a large group of people assembled to have their say at the Orland Park [Illinois] Public Library’s board meeting. Most were there because of the library’s policy that allows unfiltered access to any kind of porn or illegal material (including child porn). Not only concerned citizens showed up: three representatives from the American Library Association (ALA) and the president of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) were also there.

The two ALA lawyers who spoke (despite the library’s own policy of only allowing one speaker per group) defended the library’s decision to offer unfiltered access while never mentioning the specifics of what that really means: access to bestiality, identity theft, pedophiles accessing children online via chat rooms, and much more.

Many people have asked how is it possible that public libraries defend men watching porn near children as if the library is some sort of adult theater without dark curtains or an age limit.

The short answer is that the ALA appears to be dominated by moonbats like its councilor at large Mark Rosenzweig. From an email he shared with an ALA listserv group:

The more progessive [sic] wing of the profession should intelligently counter the “erotophobia [sic]‘. The worst thing in life, even for a kid, is NOT exposure to the image of naked people, or even people screwing, blowing, licking, humping, having sex with animals, etc. (except, for legal-and perhaps ethical-reasons, child erotica, so ill-defined that it can include the work of the world-renowned photopher [sic] Sally Mann.) … attempts to contain the curiosity of kids is bad for children. But so-called pornography? WHERE DOES IT RATE? nowhere…

The long answer:

Rosenzweig is also director of the Reference Center for Marxist Studies. His cavalier attitude about exposing children to sex makes more sense now. Fellow Marxist Antonio Gramsci believed that creating the ultimate state required the takeover of “mediating institutions” that would separate an individual from the power of the all-knowing government. These institutions are better known as family and religion. Marxists seek to redefine the culture to gain political power. What better way to capture the undeveloped minds of the young than with pornography that separates them from their families and their religions?

Remember the list of communist objectives that was entered into the Congressional Record in 1963? Here’s item #25:

Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

Back in 1963, it didn’t occur to communists that they would one day manage to promote it on open display in public libraries.

On tips from IslandLifer and RF. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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