Reuters Finally Notices That Zimmerman “Showed Signs Of Injury”

After George Zimmerman has already been convicted in the court of public agitation, Reuters finally decides to add some factual content

Neighbors of George Zimmerman say he had bandages on his nose and head the day after he shot dead Trayvon Martin, supporting statements by the neighborhood watch volunteer that he was beaten in a confrontation with the black Florida teenager.

The extent of Zimmerman’s injuries could be crucial to his legal defense under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law, which allows the use of deadly force when someone has the reasonable belief he could face death or great bodily harm.

Police said Zimmerman, who has been charged with second-degree murder in the racially charged case, was bleeding from the nose and the back of his head and was treated by medics before being taken to Sanford police station after the February 26 shooting.

That’s strange: the grainy video made everyone say “no, he was fine” as he was detained.

Jorge Rodriguez, Zimmerman’s next-door neighbor, told Reuters that when he saw Zimmerman the day after the incident, “he had two big, butterfly bandages on the back of his head, and another big bandage…on the bridge of his nose.” He was talking to a police detective in his driveway.

Rodriguez’s wife Audria also said she saw the bandages and a third neighbor, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, agreed with the Rodriguez couple’s account. “I saw two bandages on the back of his head, and his nose was all swollen up,” said the witness, who had watched from a nearby second-floor window.

This doesn’t determine guilt or innocence: it could be that Zimmerman attacked Martin first. But, it does lend credence to Zimmerman’s version of what happened.

The neighbors said they spoke to Sanford police and the FBI in their investigations but did not recall speaking to the office of special prosecutor Angela Corey, who charged Zimmerman with second-degree murder.

It’s almost like Corey charged Zimmerman with 2nd degree murder without the facts in a politically charged manner. I hope she and the authorities are ready for riots when he is found “not guilty” from this prosecutorial over-reach.

And, it makes me wonder: if the media is so lax about releasing details like this, what else have they not bothered to say?

Of course, Reuters had to use a picture with the story that attempts to make Zimmerman look crazy, and a headline that, while factually correct, is provocative.

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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